Wednesday, April 13, 2011


These are the issues forwarded by patriots challenging the legality of the Federal Income Tax (FIT). Most of these have been "won" by someone at some time or another. The win was in criminal court wherein the jury acquitted the individual for lack of intent.

I don't believe anyone has won a civil tax case based on such an issue. The last I heard the Tax Court would penalize a petitioner $3,000 for even bringing up any of these issues as a defense.

But here they are. Hope you enjoy them. I think they are entertaining, if not thought provoking.

1. Not passed by enough states.

2. “Income” is not defined in the tax code.

3. Courts defined income as a “profit.” Wages are not profits.

4. Ohio did not become a state until 1953. The president at the time of the ratification of the 16th Amendment, William Taft, was born in Ohio and not legally president.

5. Federal Reserve notes are promises to pay; not actual payments.

6. Only gold and silver coin are legal tender for payment of debts.

7. The tax return is a violation of the 5th Amendment and your right to not testify against yourself.

8. The tax return is a violation of the 4th Amendment to search without a search warrant.

9. Only U. S. citizens are subject to the tax. I am not a citizen of the U.S. as there is no such entity. I am a citizen of the state of (fill in the blank).

10. I am a sovereign and not subject to such laws.